Our Process

The Integram 3C Process

Our 3C Process – Create, Communicate and Close – was created with one goal in mind: to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) realize their immense potential. Our unique process helps companies develop and integrate a foundational plan to grow their business. 

Create a bold and sustainable business using the 3C’s and achieve the long-term success your hard work deserves.

Take advantage of subsidized training: $10,000 per employee!

Can’t figure out your Why? Talk to us today and start growing your business


The first step of our process is to Create, which is all about developing a larger vision for your business. 

First, determine your Why: “Why are you in business? Why do you go to work every day? Why do people care about what you do? Finding your Why is incredibly important, as it establishes the foundation of your business that will move your decision-making forward. 

Once the Why, also known as your purpose, is defined, we help businesses Create their brand identity and voice through the Integram Brand Essence. Here is where Integram guides your team as you develop a one-page summary of your brand principles, brand promise, unique selling proposition and tagline. 

A strong brand position sets up companies for success but it’s important to determine goals and track them. Integram uses a simple Strategic Action Plan to help get you there. Through our 3-1-90 Strategic Plan, businesses will determine their three-year, one-year, and 90-Day Sprint plans to help them build their business and grow sustainably for the future. The crucial point here is that your team is behind these actionable goals and work together toward achieving them.

Learn how our 3 C's process can help your business


The second step of our process is to Communicate, which is all about reaching your target market effectively. Once you have your vision and plan, it’s time to create and craft your story. 

As the hub for all your communications and engagement, a company’s website needs to be up to date, easy to navigate and add value-added content or resources for the user. Building your social channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, are equally critical, but there are new and cost-effective social channels and AI tools you should be aware of that influence your communications every day. 

If you’re an SME, traditional channels like print, TV and radio can also be effective methods to reach your target. The key is to ensure that you are consistent and to keep things as simple as possible.


The final step of our process is to Close. In all businesses, sales are crucial and it’s a focus of the Integram process. Without an effective sales strategy, your business will not succeed. This step is all about how to close your sales and generate revenue and repeat business. 

Using our Create and Communicate steps, your business has the messaging and communication materials in place to go out and attract clients. Now, you need to leverage those assets and close some deals! 

Our business trainers will help you develop an effective 7 Steps to Sales Success strategy that attracts and retains new clients who need your products and services. From building a rapport with clients to listening and creating value, Integram’s process will assist you in building your sales funnel and delivering every time.

Third-party sales tools can be effective for the short term, but you must continue to market and communicate directly with your customer base with offers and opportunities directly.

Take advantage of subsidized training: $10,000 per employee!

Our mission

Integrate the 3 C’s. Reap the Rewards

Integration of the 3C’s is critical to your success. We recommend that you follow our 1 ,2, 3 process in an orderly fashion and not jump to close deals before creating and communicating your message. Create a bold and sustainable business by integrating Integram’s 3C process into your business’ foundation.

Contact us today to get started on building your business with Integram’s 3C’s: Create, Communicate, Close. 

For more on how to grow your business, visit our blog