Grant Opportunities


Funding is available

Government grants are incredible opportunities to elevate both your team and your business!
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant gives companies the ability to receive high-level training for its employees at only a fraction of the cost. Ask us how we can help you access funding, up to $10,000 per employee per year.

Let’s get your training program started now!


Here are some ideas ⟶
Develop and execute an interactive, integrated brand with a unique USP in the marketplace that will help generate incremental business and long-term success.
Increase relevance, brand presence, and digital marketing tools and tactics in order to pave the path to more customers.

Implement sustainable strategies to help businesses lead in a rapid and changing world.

Better understand how to strategically develop a digital strategy based on the needs of your key customers and your business.

Establish building blocks for the business that will translate new customers into greater revenue.

Create a Strategic Plan using our customized 3.1.90 framework to establish building blocks to set goals and grow the business. Learn to scale up the business and see revenues soar.

Provide a structured platform for employees to acquire new skills and deepen their existing knowledge. Ongoing training empowers employees to continuously evolve and upskill. This not only enhances individual performance but also equips them with the capabilities needed to address evolving challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Ready to work together?

Let’s get your training program started now!